fornitura e posa in opera marmo a Milano ⋆ STC Marmi
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Supply and installation of marble

Supply and installation of marble for large and small projects

By your side

STC Marmi is the ideal partner not only for the installation of marble. We are enthusiastic about supporting the client in all phases of the project, from the choice of blocks or slabs to the design.


Consultants, Suppliers, Installers

We offer our customers the advantage of being trusted consultants in all aspects concerning marble, able to carry out any activity internally thanks to our team of experts.

Selection of marble and stone in person

We carry out a careful selection of the marble.
Thanks to the ten-year collaboration with quarries and sawmills on the global market, we can welcome visitors who want to see the products in person.

Call us and make an appointment to choose from the wide range of marble

Installation Of Marble

A staff of installers with exclusive partnership is at the customer’s service to lay the marble both in internal and external locations.

Call us and make an appointment to choose from the wide range of marble

Marble machining workshop

We are able to satisfy any request on different types of materials thanks to our latest generation machinery such as CNC, WaterJet, 3D machining software and a team of specialized craftsmen.

Call us and make an appointment to choose from the wide range of marble

Technical Department

We provide our team of technicians to carefully follow all the phases of the construction site, from the choice of the most suitable adhesives for laying the marble, to suggestions for waterproofing, and the selection of expansion joints. Our advice also extends to the correct sizing of the natural stone slabs.
We give the possibility to perform a constructional survey even in complex environments thanks to the use of Laser Scanner measuring instruments and 3D software and qualified technicians.

Call us and make an appointment to choose from the wide range of marble

We carry out on-site surveys, construction specifications and drawings for the installation of marble, granite and other precious materials
General Contractors turn to us for large works, as well as design and planning Studios thanks to our ability to provide tailor-made solutions.

Supply and installation of marble ultima modifica: 2021-10-12T14:34:45+02:00 da Monica