Pavimenti in MARMO per case da sogno ⋆ STC Graniti Marmi e Pietre
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services for private individuals
Marble floors

Marble floors and precious stone cladding

Seeing your home embellished with a beautiful marble floor is a dream that can come true. You can choose the material of your preferred colour directly at our head office, among many types of marble and finishes that we provide.

We specialize both in the installation of marble floors and refined wall coverings for large orders. We also know how to serve the private individual for concepts in small environments and stone decorations where our employed craftsmen express the maximum of their ability to create amazing finishes.

Each concept is unique, and we will be able to advise you on the ideal marble for your spaces.


Since ancient times, wealthy nobles and lords loved to embellish their homes with marble and travertine cladding. These materials are still in fashion today, being timeless elements that can be combined with any other product. The white marble floors, for example, are able to enhance any type of furniture, from designer furniture to the more classic.

Polishing and smoothing alter the final visual effect: the first enhances the colour, the second uniforms it to the surrounding environment

Among our skills, is the creation of both interior and exterior marble works

  • floors and wall coverings
  • marble bathrooms
  • marble stairs
  • marble fireplaces
  • marble tables and furnishing accessories
  • marble thresholds and sills
  • marble kitchen tops

Among some of the special processes are

  • lamps and design elements
  • lightweight marble elements
  • backlit marble elements
  • sculptures
  • solid elements such as fountains, benches, bathtubs or architectural elements
  • open book wall coverings

We design marble floors and finishes together for a home with a unique character

Your home is the most personal thing there can be. Each material is evaluated, contemplated and re- contemplated until it is the right choice for you.

Our staff will be able to advise you on the right choice.

Complete pre-sales and post-sales service

Our long experience as marble workers in Milan amasses numerous orders made for private users. Thanks to the experience developed in the field, our team of specialists can manage any project from the very beginning, in Italy and abroad. We advise customers in the choice of the most suitable marble or stone, in the survey on site, in the coordination, in the installation, in the treatment and for the maintenance of the surfaces.

STC marmi, pietra e graniti offers you a wide selection of marble to view in person. We take care of transport and installation, treatment and you will receive instructions for the correct maintenance.

In addition to this: do you have to develop a drawing of the marble floors? Would you like to receive a cost estimate, to better reflect on the best finish? We usually take care of this without obligation for our customers.

services for private individuals
Marble floors
ultima modifica: 2021-10-13T10:05:05+02:00 da Monica